Supporting Founders

Voluntas Ventures is an independent investment and advisory firm to entrepreneurial led enterprises, with a focus on the SaaS industry in NZ.

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Advisory Clients |  Investments | Co-Ventures


What our founders and partners have to say

Richard Webb
Founder & CEO

Jason is an outstanding mentor, collaborator, investor and experienced entrepreneur. We enjoy working with him and love his enthusiasm. The early stage founders could not have found a better mentor in New Zealand.

Robert Copping
Founder & CEO

It's been a great privilege to work with Jason envisaging and developing the VOYCAP platform. His vision, experience, and focus have been invaluable and I've no doubt will have enhanced our likelihood of success. Alongside his professionalism, he's also great company, which is a real bonus.

Emma Consedine
40 Foot Consulting

When I started working with Jason and Voluntas I had ambitious growth goals but needed an experienced and independent partner to help me create a winning strategy. Jason’s approach has been supportive and his insights accurate. As a founder in the tech sector it can be isolating at times and Jason has given me the positive commercial validation and the benefit of his expertise to ensure we scale at the pace and trajectory to achieve the vision I have for the group

Are you a founder, investor or SaaS enthusiast?

Reach out and let’s talk.

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